Restoring Intimacy

Experience and honor yourself as the multicultural being that you are.

How was growing up multicultural, multiethnic, or multinational?

Where there times that your cultural or racial identity sparked in you insecurities about your abilities, worth, and sense of belonging?

Maybe you have managed to achieve some of your life goals despite how difficult the road has been. And maybe you yearn to continue discovering what more you can achieve for yourself, your family and your community without your own stories of trauma suddenly disrupting your thoughts and your path.

Does your stressed body remember experiences that hurt you, and guilt-ridden cultural beliefs stop you from placing necessary limits?

Navigating the deep waters of trauma can feel daunting. 

Are you ready to continue restoring the self-intimacy that may have been disrupted by traumatic life experiences?

Is it time to shed inherited beliefs that helped you survive but no longer help you live your desired life?

Extend your hands and share a journey with me to the depths of your being.

Individual Therapy

Join a  suggestions-free space where you can allow yourself to process the inundated emotions of your pregnancy journey.


You are pregnant. Now what? Whether or not you expected it, your life is now at a crossroads. Do you need a suggestions-free space where you can allow yourself to process the inundated emotions of this journey?

Redefine your love for others in ways that includes the desires of your heart.

Redefining Passion.

Do you desire to contribute towards social transformation without forgetting about yourself? Redefine your love for others in ways that includes the desires of your heart.