Redefining Your Passion

Rediscover your capacity to love others even more, by caring first for yourself and investing in your dreams.

Are you questioning whether at this stage of your life you are fulfilling the purpose you want for yourself?

If you are avoiding taking action towards necessary transitions…

You may be noticing how the uncertainty of where to start manifests itself in tension, anxiety or sadness. Are you wondering if this is contributing to the way you relate to yourself and others?

Allow me to accompany you in this uncertainty.

I invite you to co-create a space where you can allow yourself to…

  • Recognize manifestations in your body, thought patterns, behavior and relationship patterns that arise in the face of uncertainty.

  • Reformulate critical thoughts about yourself and filter the comments of others so that they do not negatively impact the momentum of change in your life.

  • Redefine your purpose in life through prioritizing your mental, emotional and physical health without guilt.

Individual Therapy

Discover the benefits of self-compassion and a present mind. Prioritize your well-being and reconnect to the parts of yourself that have been sacrificed to trauma.

Restoring Intimacy.

Discover the benefits of self-compassion and a present mind. Is this season of life calling you to prioritize your well-being and reconnect to the parts of yourself that have been sacrificed to trauma?

Whether or not you  expected to be pregnant, your life is now at a crossroads. Individual therapy can serve as a suggestions-free space where you can allow yourself to process the inundated emotions of this journey.


You are pregnant. Now what? Whether or not you expected it, your life is now at a crossroads. Do you need a suggestions-free space where you can allow yourself to process the inundated emotions of this journey?