
If as a woman of color navigating life has been complex, your first pregnancy may exacerbate the need to feel safe. You may also experience a deeper need to trust the people and systems that will play a major role in this important season of your life . I am here to support you as you explore your options in your journey toward motherhood.

Life will never be the same

Maybe you have all the support systems in place to go through your pregnancy journey. Maybe all you have is questions, anxiety, and wonders about how you will be able to get through it. Either way you may be noticing your body changing, your senses heightened, and everyone around you volunteering their opinion about what you “should” or “should not do”. If you desire to express yourself freely about what is coming up for you in this phase of your life you are in the right place.

Individual Therapy

Prioritize your well-being and reconnect to the parts of yourself that have been sacrificed to trauma.

Restoring Intimacy.

Discover the benefits of self-compassion and a present mind. Is this season of life calling you to prioritize your well-being and reconnect to the parts of yourself that have been sacrificed to trauma?

Contribute towards social transformation without forgetting about yourself.

Redefining Passion.

Do you desire to contribute towards social transformation without forgetting about yourself? Redefine your love for others in ways that includes the desires of your heart.