“It’s Worth the Risk”

Photo by Johanna’s partner Alan Wesson Suárez- who does not like to take pictures even though he has a great eye!

Parque Verde Esperanza, Fusagasuga, Cundinamarca, Colombia,

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Are you attuned to knowing exactly what it is that you are looking for in a therapist? My guest for this charla, Cristal, did not look for her first therapist based on too many characteristics but rather by understanding that it was time to seek support. Cristal shares with us today how she connected to what she really need it when looking for her next therapeutic experiences.

From comparing her search for therapists to searching for a gynecologist to the very real aspects of accessibility and trust in the health care system, Cristal takes us on a journey of self-compassion as we navigate the uncertain waters of getting the help that we each uniquely need beca.use as she beautifully put it: “it’s worth the risk.”


“Peeling back the layers to find your inner jewel”


Finding a therapist as an immigrant