The indescribable feeling of finding the “right” therapist

Photo by Johanna Wesson Suárez in Quito, Ecuador

“It wasn’t easy finding a therapists who felt like a good fit.”

What a blessing it has been to witness my spouse’s journey in finding the therapist he believed was right for him. I can only describe his journey as intuitive, courageous, and persistent. As you listen to his story you will find several ideas that worked for him in his journey of finding a therapist. Interestingly enough, the right therapist for Alan turned out to be someone with whom he had nothing in common! Alan’s therapist was different from him in every single way, including the therapist’s ethnic identity, which Alan initially thought would have been one of the most important characteristics when he started the search.

Finding a therapist is already a step toward a healing journey. It is amazing to hear that within my spouse’s story, he was able to discover what was important for him when being in a relationship with others. He was able to pull from previous relationships that made him feel seen, respected and valued to recognize when he had found the therapist that worked for him. As he shares, you may learn that his journey of finding a therapist was not easy and neither was the therapeutic process once he did find a therapist; nevertheless, he encourages listeners to get out there and start the journey because, although hard to describe in words, whatever you are dealing with you don't have to go through it alone.


“Peeling back the layers to find your inner jewel”