“Picking up the Debris of Life”

Photo by Johanna Wesson Suárez in Quito, Ecuador

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Is it easy for you to be 100% honest with yourself? During this charla, my wonderful friend David reminded me of the importance of being open to know when it’s time to “seek deeper, not just wanting to ease symptoms,” but truly address what may have led to a breaking point in our lives. Therapy, at a time in his, life helped him to “pick up the debris of life.”

Listen to David as he shares his story and the reasons why he has chosen, at this time of his life, to discontinue therapy. David sought help during one of the toughest times of his life and was able to regain enough stability to function. It wasn’t David’s first encounter with processing his life. In fact through Hip Hop, one of his passions, he had experienced first hand the power of exploring deep parts of himself. Yet his vulnerability during a breaking point made him ask himself, “How did I get here!?”

Find pearls of inspiration as David navigated access to care, burned out psychotherapists, and the reasons  he decided to stop therapy for now.


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