Explore how your mind, body & soul can thrive in this adopted land called home.

Whether you settled in the United States by choice, by force or by way of your ancestors, you have landed today in a sanctuary that dignifies your complexity.


My name is Johanna - I’m glad you’re here! Whether you have embraced your cultural or ethnic identity or have had to assimilate and forget parts of yourself to survive, my hope is to support you in reconnecting to your unique, creative, and complex being. I desire to partner with you in this journey toward healing and growth. Together we can weave a path that allows you to integrate all aspects of who you are. I am here for you and excited to be part of your walk toward living meaningfully and authentically.

“So knowing,

what is known? 

that we carry our baggage

in our cupped hands 

when we burst through 

the waters of our mother.”

Far Memory

Lucille Clifton